Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Life in Hong Kong

Well, Well, Well. It's been awhile since I last updated this. Apologies for those who have been periodically checking up on this page for updates. Life has been quite interesting for the last week or two. Quite frankly, I haven't done anything big since the last time I blogged, only small things here and there. Last night, I met up with my HK ex-colleagues from Goldman for dinner and drinks at this "Chiu-Chow" restaurant. I guess Chiu-Chow is a type of Chinese cuisine with lots of fish and seafood. Since they're all locals, they know lots of good places to eat -- which is always a good thing :) It was good meeting up and catching up with my HK ex-colleagues again although it wasn't too long ago since I last saw them (back in January during my China Trip). Anyhoo, I was so stuffed and took the taxi back home (the hotel) afterwards.

Since I've been stuffing myself like a cow ever since I got off the plane, I decided to join a gym to de-chunkify myself. So, I joined the gym downstairs in our office building. While the facility is pretty good, its also quite pricey. Basically I'm paying the happy price of $270 for 8 weeks. That's about how much I use to pay in Tokyo when I worked there....BUT this is Hong Kong! argh. I guess I joined one of the more expensive gym around according to my HK friends. Oh well, at least I get free t-shirt, shorts, and towels to use everytime. Oh, I also get a free certificate to see a body trainer and a free one hour facial session. Okay, not sure why but they give all the new girl members a free one hour massage session for joining. But for guys, we get one free hour of facial session. I wanted the massage instead but they said massages are only for girls and facials are for guys. Now, that can’t possibly be right…. Weird right?? Awww, joys of living in HK. I have to say that I've never gotten a facial before..it would be quite interesting if I decide to use my free facial certificate :P Don't worry, if I end up getting one, I'll make sure to blog about it and let you know :P

In other news, my mom came back from her world tour on Sunday. Okay, its not really a world tour but it seems like it considering how much more she's been traveling over the past few years. But I am really glad to see that she's traveling more and enjoying herself....although I wish that I can accompany her on some of the trips sometimes. The tour that she took was to two cities in the southern east part of China - place called Xiamen and Fujien. I know most foreigners have never heard of it before but these are pretty popular travel destination in China (ask any Chinese!). She joined a HK tour to go to these places, and had a good time on the trip except that the entire tour was in Cantonese.. She's suppose to go to another tour to Guilin tomorrow but decided not to go and just stay in HK to chill. She'll be here until early next week before going off to Tokyo for another few weeks there.

This Friday (July 1st) is a public holiday here. It's the day that Hong Kong was returned back to China from the British. Interesting eh? I don't have any concrete plans for the weekend yet.. but probably will try to go to Macao and hang out in Hong Kong the remainder of the time. I also have a conference call on Friday nite..sigh..so I might just come into the office at night or just take the call from my room. bleh. Oh in case you've been wondering, work has been pretty good and I'm enjoying it so far. But I decided not to blog about it for obvious reasons =)

Thursday, June 16, 2005

belated Tokyo update

hi everybody! it's been few days since I last updated this blog. Why haven't I updated this? Well, simply put, I have been pretty darn busy getting ready for the internship, showing my mom around HK, and getting massages here and there :) kidding. ok, maybe not.

since I haven't been able to update ya'll on what I did the last few days in Tokyo, I thought I would just upload some pictures that I took which would show what I was up to.. so here it is..

Last meal in Tokyo -- lunch with Yuko in Shibuya at Tops for some Curry before flying to HK

Dinner in Ginza with friends (L to R: Me, Kristy, Mike)

the food we ate (pork nabe)...

Sushi Dinner with my cousin, her husband, and her two kids! They are cute but a handful nonetheless.

Dinner with my elementary school friends from Tokyo Chinese School (TCS) - [Left to Right: Harue, Me, Oliver, Lin]. I've known Oliver and Harue since 1st grade -- that's 22 years ago!! :)

Harue, Me, and Oliver

Lunch with ex-colleagues from GS:

Conveyor belt sushi I had one lunch in Shibuya -- Sea Urchin - yum

Circling sushi...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Lucky day

Hello my blog reading friends! I know it's been few days since I last updated my blog...but its been one hectic week for me so far. I'll blog more about that later on since I'm at the Narita Airport right now.

I'm using the free internet at the UA business class lounge. Yup, when I was checking in, I (in my nice and persuasive tone of voice) talked the guy at the counter out of NOT making me pay overweight luggage penalty fee (my luggage was WAAAY over the limit) AND upgrading me to business class --- all for free :) So here I am sitting at the lounge using the free internet while my overweight luggage is being transported to Hong Kong! So that was good news for me. Anway, there are lots of free alcohol here...and I would help myself with some, but its probably best that I don't since I'm meeting my mom at the Hong Kong airport later on.

In other news, I took a taxi to Shibuya today from Azabu-Jyuuban. I end up having a very good conversation with the taxi driver about Azabu-Jyuuban and how the city has changed over the last 20 years. Since I pretty much grew up around Azabu area, we were able to talk and "walk down the memory lane" about that part of town. He must have really enjoyed our conversation because when I got to Shibuya, he wouldn't let me pay for the taxi fare! All 2,000 yen (about 20 USD)!!!! But I felt bad so I insisted on paying him at least half of it (which I did) :) So that was nice of him. I've taken taxis in Tokyo gazillion of times (some would say too much), but I have never had a driver refuse to take my money just because we had a good conversation! Although I have had few rare incidents where I negotiated the fare with the driver and end up getting a slight discount, but that's a different story :)

Anyway, just thought I would blog and share this experience with ya'll. Now its time for me to board my flight to Hong Kong -- will blog more about my last few days when I get there! Hope you're all doing well!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Saturday Bustling

I tried to wake up early this morning to go with my relatives to pay a visit to my grandmother's grave -- but it turned out to be too late in the morning so they decided to postpone it to some other time instead. Argh..wish I slept in more. But I did meet up with many different friends today though.

1. First, I met up with Anna and Yuko for lunch at Cafe Papas in Hiroo. It was fun talking to them about various things in life. Yuko also mentioned about the pain she was feeling in her stomach last night -- which is a sign that the baby is coming soon! I was a bit concerned (and worried) hearing her story... but thankfully everything seems to be in order. I think the baby is due sometime next week -- can't wait! Maybe if I'm lucky, she'll have the baby when I'm in Tokyo :) I want to wish Anna a fun and safe trip in Turkey! Also want to wish her all the best with "Mr. S" ^_^

Lunch at Cafe Papas in Hiroo with Yuko and Anna:

2. After lunch, I quickly located myself halfway across town to Odaiba to meet up with Elaine, my old college friend from Berkeley. I promised that I would go to Edo hot spring with her since she's never been there before and I highly recommended it. I remember the last time I was there was with Yuko, A-chan, Kinyoshi, and Koji after one drunken late night on my birthday last year. Ahh.. good times :)

I really like this place because it is super old school Japanesey inside (but with all the modern ammenities of course). Did I mention this place is HUGE? It's almost like an indoor amusement park except everybody is dressed in Japanese Yukata and the main attraction is taking a bath in the various natural hot springs. Funny eh? They have about 6 or 7 different kinds of hot springs, some with different herbal ingredients in the water and at different temperatures. I like to jump into the freezing cold tub right after the scorching hot one...not sure how, but suppose to be good for you. They also had an outdoor patio area with the traditional Japanese garden. Even outside, there were couple pond like places where you can take bath in. I would have taken pictures inside but I doubt people taking baths would appreciate it.

Afterwards, we grabbed a quick bite to eat from one of the many food stands they have inside. The inside of this place is similar to a carnival in that they have various game and food stands. It was very festive inside.

Once you enter the "amusement park", you get to choose your own Yukata to wear. They had so many different designs! You can't see in the picture, but I chose Yukata #1 with this picture of a big sumo wrestler on the back.

Elaine and I after we chose our Yukatas.

Inside of this "amusement park" was decorated with traditional Japanese stuff. There were also tons of tradtional Japanese carnival food and game stands.

Mechanical good luck statue.

3. Although I was suppose to have dinner with my relatives, I found out that the dinner was moved to tomorrow instead. So after feeling all squeeky clean, I took the train back across town to Akasaka to have dinner with my ex co-workers (Moto, Kato-san, Tsubouchi-san, and Tokura-san) from KPMG instead. It was good to see everybody again, especially Moto since we have been trying to stay in touch ever since I left Japan, got him into Goldman + I use to go out drinking with him :) I forgot the name of the restaurant but it was this ultra cool place with very good kushiyaki (Japanese skewers -- yakitori and such). The interior of the restaurant was REALLY cool although its probably just normal standard for Tokyo. The food was excellent and we managed to drink and eat ALOT. I was stuffed ^_^

My ex co-workers from KPMG (Left to Right: Moto, Tsubouchi-san, me, Kato-san, and Tokura-san)

4. Afterwards, all of them were planning to go to another bar to continue drinking, but I excused myself again...this time to meet up with another friend Tad and David. We went to a dining joint to have some casual dessert and drinks. I had the tradtional Japanese dessert ("anmitsu") which was pretty good. Again, I was stuffed. We talked until we caught the the last train back home.

Ack! I forgot to take pictures! Oh well, next time. ..

Overall, it was a long but fun day for me catching up with various friends around town...but its now 3 am and I'm tired. I'll post more later. Hope ya'll had a very good weekend as well!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Friday fun

In the afternoon, I met up with Elaine, my old college friend from Berkeley in Shinjuku to catch up over tea & dessert. It was good catching up with her especially since I haven't seen her in ages it seems like. Come to think of it, we barely saw each other when we were in LA (not that I was in LA that much anyway). But she's here few months to learn some Japanese...and will be attending Columbia for business school in the fall. After meandering around, we end up going to one of my favorite cafe, Comme Ca Cafe in Shinjuku. The desserts were delicious...just like what I remember to be. I use to come here pretty often since they have excellent (both in taste and in aesthetic) cakes. That also probably explains the extra pounds I gained when I lived here :)

Various kinds of cakes displayed behind the glass. I really like the simple interior and layout of this store. Mental Note: Must remember this for future :)

Elaine and I at Comme Ca Cafe in Shinjuku

I ordered the Berry Chocolat cake. It tasted even better than it looked.

Mont Blanc cake that Elaine ordered

At night, I attended Sherman and Ritsu's bachelor party at this place called "Halekai's" in Nishi-Azabu. Timing has it, both Sherman and Ritsu are getting married (not to each other of course) in the coming months. There were about 15 guys who showed up...and it was definitely good times seeing old friends. We pretty much talked, drank, and ate till we couldn't anymore. Since I will be slaving working away this summer in HK, its unfortunate that I won't be able to attend Sherman and Rie's wedding in Hawaii next month...sigh... but good news is that I will definitely try to come back to Tokyo in August for the Nijikai (and see baby Yamamoto :) Ritsu will be attending b-school at Columbia in the fall, so I"m sure I will see more of him in NY this year. After dinner, most of the guys continued the night with more fun in Roppongi. Since I had to wake up early the next morning to visit my grandmother's grave, I called it a night and went home.

The lucky soon-to-be hitched guys: Sherman, and Ritsu. For fun, we made them wear a funny clown wig with a sash which said "I'm a Princess". Hilarious.

Bachelor party dinner - whoever took this picture had one too many to drink.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

First day in Tokyo

Yesterday morning after I woke up, I felt a bit chunky (again) so I decided to go for a morning jog around Shiba-Koen (Shiba Park) near the Tokyo Tower. For some of you not familiar with Japan, Tokyo Tower is basically a replica of the Eiffle Tower except its red, and purposely built slightly taller than the Eiffle Tower (just to piss off the Frenchies). It was a great jog since human traffic on the sidewalks weren't bad at all. My cousin and aunt was baffled when I told them I was going out for a jog. "Wow, you are SO American" is what they said to me in Japanese. HAHAHA. I guess I forgot that most people who jog here are mainly foreigners. Anyway, I managed to run around the Shiba Park twice, which is supposedly around 3km (1.5 km x 2) long according to my cousin. Now my knees hurt.

Afterwards, I jogged to one of my favorite bakery "Montabour" in Azabu-Jyuuban for some Japanese pastries for breakfast. I've been craving for these bread ever since I left Japan the last time I was here! Mmm Mmm Mmm... delicious. Yes, I know, eating bread is going against my low-carb diet, but hey, I'm on vacation -- gotta live it up a little :)

In the afternoon, I did some shopping in Shibuya and Harajuku before I met up with my friend, Yuko for afternoon tea in Omotesando. In case you're wondering, no I didn't find Harajuku Girl or Gwen Stefani in sight. But what I did find was a good place to eat "takoyaki" (octopus balls) while drinking "lamune" (japanese version of the sprite with glass marble in the bottle). It was yummylicious.

It was so good to see my friend, Yuko again. Wow, her stomach is huge! I can't wait till she give birth to the baby boy -- I'm also excited to be the god father. After spending the afternoon catching up, we decided to reconvene later that night for dinner with more friends in Roppongi.

At night, I met up with some of my friends (Anna, Yoko, Koji, Jeremy, Yo, Rachel, and Kayo) for Japanese dinner and drinks in Roppongi. The food was amazingly good (which is no shocker) but what was even better was catching up and laughing like crazy with my friends-- just like how we use to. I totally appreciate them taking me out to dinner. They are so nice! It was also really nice to catch up with Anna with her endless funny and interesting stories. Then we went out to a bar called "Mogambo" in Roppongi with Jeremy, Yoko, and Anna to meet up with Jeremy's boss from Bear. Dranked a bit more before catching a taxi home and calling it a night.

Overall, it was a great day!

Afternoon tea with Yuko! I can't wait till she give birth to her baby in the next couple of weeks! Maybe she'll have the baby while I'm here :)

Anna and I at the restaurant in Roppongi.

Dinner in Roppongi with friends (Left to Right: Jeremy, Koji, me, Anna, Yoko, Kayo, Rachel, and Yo). We're holding up this humongous piece of fish sashimi that was on the house thanks to Anna who frequents there a lot .

Cool Idea - mini refergerator that looks like a vending machine. Brilliant.

Octopus Ball - yummy

Only in Japan.... pillow in the shape of a women's leg. Hilarious.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Greetings from Japan!

After flying nearly 12 hours, I finally arrived in Narita International Airport in Japan. As usual, the flight to Japan wasn’t bad at all since I slept most of my way here + I’ve done the LAX/Tokyo flight gazillion of times. But I’m slightly feeling disoriented at the moment since the clock on my laptop still displays NY time, while my watch is LA time, and the clock on the wall is Tokyo time. Anyway, on my way here, when I wasn't sleeping, I kept myself busy by talking to this guy who was sitting right next to me. He was this “grandpa-like” white guy figure probably in his late 60’s, who was on his way to Cambodia. I’m not exactly 100% sure what he does but from what I gather, he’s a recruiter who specializes in helping Southeast Asian graduate student secure jobs in the US for Fortune 500 companies. Interesting thing (well maybe not so interesting) was that after I told him that I was a graduate student, he asked me if I was from CAMBODIA?! Hahaha.. hilarious. I know I’m dark but… Anyway, he turned out to be quite an interesting guy with wealth of interesting information about life and business. For some reason, I seem to always attract talkers on the plane.. which I never mind it.

I have to say its such a great feeling to be back in Tokyo. It’s hard to describe but its similar to when you take a long vacation somewhere and you leave your family for a very long time, and then when you finally return home. It’s that feeling that I’m experiencing right now. I’m so comfortable with the surrounding and the people that I feel I fit right in… no, not because I’m a fob :) As you might know, I was here only 6 months ago for my friend, Yuko and Atsushi’s wedding but feels like a long time ago though. I just arrived at my cousin’s house in Azabu-Jyuuban which is fairly close to where I use to live and work.

I just landed few hours but I already have a full schedule ahead. I’m planning to meet and catch up with numerous friends, family members, and ex co-workers before I take off for Hong Kong for hard labor summer internship. I’ll probably also try to squeeze in a day trip somewhere outside of Tokyo with a friend – perhaps a hot spring trip.

For my friends in Japan (or anybody else), you can contact me at my cellphone in Tokyo: 080-3201-4898

I’m totally craving for some good ramen and sushi right now… I’ll blog more later after I'm done with dinner. Hope ya'll are having a good week.

Flight map on my personal TV monitor -- almost to Japan!

View from my window...flying above Japan. 10 minues before landing

Monday, June 06, 2005

Extra Day

Some of you guys might be wondering how am I blogging this entry when technically I should be on a plane somewhere above the Pacific Ocean on my way to Tokyo. Well, it turns out that my flight is tomorrow (Tuesday) and NOT today (Monday) as I have previously thought. I know you're all thinking I'm crazy and wondering how I can get it mixed up? Well simple. Originally I was going to leave on Monday but when I was booking my ticket few weeks ago, I decided to give myself an extra day to recouperate from the crazy weekend that I anticipated. Long story short, I forgot that I did this and kept thinking in my head that I was still leaving on Monday. But I'm glad that I have this extra day to just relax - it felt as if I was given another chance to live or something (okay, maybe not that dramatic). But it's a good feeling to not have to leave LA even if its only a day later. Maybe this is a sign that I really should be staying put in LA?

Anyhoo, I spent my extra day basically running errands. For lunch, I had dim sum with my parents. And for dinner, I had sushi at "Karuta" also with my parents and my brother. What a day. Time to continue packing...leaving extra early tomorrow to LAX since I want to make a quick stop at United's lost and found department in hopes that I'll find my laptop adapter that I lost back in January of this year :(

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Sunday Brunch and etc.

Forced myself to wake up this morning since I promised my parents I would go have champagne brunch with them and their friends at this place called "Reef" in Queen Mary. Acutally, one of my mom's friend (who is like an aunt to me) wanted to take me out to eat one last time before I leave for Asia this summer. Although I've never had brunch there before, I have to say I was VERY impressed. The place was this classy, grand kinda place (borderline stuffiness) where we sat in this huge ballroom. The food was totally upscale although it reminded me of the seafood buffet I had in Vegas less than a week ago. About 7 families showed up and we took over two very long dining tables (total of 28 people!). We also had a great view of the Queen Mary overlooking the ocean. Although I didn't have much appetite in the beginning, I still managed to eat some shrimp cocktails and crab legs (for breakfast!). My favorite was the scallop and crab salad. Yum. The sushi was less than sub-par though.

I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow for Asia! okay peeps, I'll blog more when I arrive on the other side of the world.

Saturday whatevers

Yesterday, my brother and I went to visit my grandmother at Rose Hills. Its been few months since I last visted her. It's hard to believe that its 5 years since she passed away. Time really flies. It's also eerie to see the two extra empty grave plots next to her which my parents bought for "future use". Afterwards, we drove to South Coast Plaza and did some minor shopping before we got hungry and drove to this hole-in-wall mexican place called "Albertaco's". Apparently, this was both of my brother's favorite places to get cheap mexican grub for years --- never knew this place existed! The food was pretty good and will definitely have to remember to go back there next time I feel like getting some Taco Bell.

Last night, my friends and I went to this cool modern tapas place in Old Towne Pasadena called "Bar-Celona". The food was pretty good but what's equally good was the decor and the ambience inside. The place was ultra modern and we sat on this round lounge-couch thingy eating our tapas and drinking our Sangria while listening to 80's tunes spinned by the on-site DJ and watching random movies been projected on the big flat screen TV on the walls. The scene was straight out of those cool-ass music video on MTV.

I also want to thank my Ithacan friends for calling me last night on my cellphone (you know who you are!). They called to wish me well on my upcoming trip to Asia. It was really nice to hear from them. AWWWW. They're like my crew away from home and I totally miss hanging out with them. They will be greatly missed this summer (hopefully the feeling is mutual) but I can't wait to reunite with them when school starts again in the fall. I wish ya'll a great summer internship and kick some a$$!!

After Tapas, we drove across town to west hollywood to continue with our drinking. I'm proud to say that I only allowed myself to consume 1 Long Island Ice Tea before we decided to call it a night. No, I didn't really get that drunk last night. Only a slight buzz -- thanks for asking.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Friday I'm in Love...

Come to think of it, this is my first and last weekend in LA. Last weekend I was in Vegas, and the weekend before I was in San Francisco. Geeze, time is whizzing by at the blink of an eye. Some updates if you care to find out:

Lunch-ed with Haeran in Orange County on Wednesday. Went to this Vietnamese restaurant and had the "7 Courses of Beef". Basically as the name says, its 7 different types of beef dishes cooked in different ways - some you eat wrapped in lettuce, and some in this rice paper thingy. It was my first time eating this and it was delicious (good choice Haeran!). Since its all beef, its also good for my low-carb diet as well.

Then dropped Haeran off back at work and did some solo shopping in OC. Managed to find great deals on my favorite jeans. So picked up 2 pairs and then quickly decided to drive home since I didn't want to get caught in the horrendous OC rush hour traffic on the 405. Then went to gym and just hung out with friends in the evening.

Didn't do a whole lot except went out and shopped and bought a new pair of "Gordon Rush" black dress shoes for work. Then had dinner with my parents, bro, and their friends at this new Chinese restaurant my parents proudly claim they have "discovered" in West Covina. The food was pretty decent and it was relatively inexpensive for the amount and quality. I was so stuffed.

Good News! For anyone who's been asking me when I'll be getting my braces off (thanks for asking), I was informed today that my bling-bling should be coming off around September! Now that's GREAT NEWS although I was annoyed with my ortho appointment today.

So I get to my 10:20 AM appointment on time, and noticed that the doctor wasn't there. So instead of having me wait till the main doc comes, this new ortho doc decided to take a look at my teeth. He was this young (around my age) and fobby (in my opinion) asian dude. He wore this white lab coat with "UCLA Medical Center" embroildered on the front which made me speculate that he was probably just a summer intern. Now, I'm not the one to talk since I'll be an intern in couple of weeks but this guy definitely needed more training and wouldn't hurt for him to take some etiquette courses along the way.

First he took a look at my file and started questioning (and in this mean, lecturing tone of voice) why I haven't been going in to get my teeth checed on a monthly basis since 2001. Um, hello - I use to live on the other side of the freakin' earth called Tokyo?!?! He should be lucky that I'm coming to get my teeth checked once every 4 months. After explaining to him my arrangement that I have with my doctor, he proceeded to examine my gums (mind you, he was barely listening to what I had to say since he made me repeat it 3 times). Then he proceeded to tell me that I needed to use a water pik to clean my gum going forward. Fine. So I replied back with acknowledgement and said "Okay, Water Pik". He then replied back saying "Do YOU know what they are?" and proceeded too spell it out for me in this fobbish accented engrish "W-A-T-E-R P-I-K". I looked at him all baffled and was like WTF?! I know what a water pik is and why the F was he spelling the the word out for me?! Anyways, long story short, my real doctor called and was running a bit late. So I had to come back again at 1pm to get re-examined by her. I was annoyed because I was there for over an hour before they sent me away only to come back 2 hours later.

So I went back to the ortho at 1pm and was there till 2:30pm. In addition to my braces, I am now sporting a white rubber band from the upper back teeth all the way to the lower front teeth. It looks as if the rubber band is trying to stop me from opening my mouth too wide. It looks absolutely ridiculous but I guess I have to do what I have to do. Anyhoo, so that's that.

On a lighter note, I found out that I'll be covering the Technology Sector for Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan) for their Equity Research division this summer for Merrill. I know some of you guys are overly excited to hear about my research job - but don't let the excitement show all at once. Anyhoo, Technology Sector - I guess no surprise there. But I'm pretty excited since at least I'm pretty comfortable with tech talk and lingo. I just looked at my first week of orientation agenda and it looks pretty chill for the most part --- except that I see something from 9 -5pm on a SATURDAY!?!?! I guess that is life....in Asia.

Tonight I'll be having dinner with my LA crew somewhere near my house or in LA... probably going to our favorite Sushi place called "Karuta". Then we'll probably just do the usual - movies or going out to a bar in LA. Come to think of it, we haven't been to that martini lounge (Lola's) in awhile. Or maybe we can hang out on Sunset Blvd? Ahh.. endless things to do in LA...

Feeling chunky today so I'm off to the gym.

Famous people with braces:

Ashley Judd, Tom Cruise, Prince Harry...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Yesterday I had lunch with Billie at this Japanese restaurant called "Midori" in Cerritos. The food was pretty good and from the way the waitress knew Billie, she seem to be a frequent customer there :) I'm totally envious that Billie literally works 5 minutes away from home! What a lucky girl. I hope I don't have to commute too far to work next year when I get a job...wherever that will be (hopefully back in CA, or anywhere in the US).

In the afternoon, went to the gym and followed a friend's suggestion and did 1 hour of cardio - which felt really good :) I had never done cardio for that long since I usually get bored after 20 minutes of repetitive movement. It also gave me a chance to catch up on magazine reading. From the way I ate all those buffet in Vegas, this workout was way needed. Then at night just hung out around the house and later went out a bit.

I can't believe that I have less than a week left in LA before I take off for Japan and HK for the summer. Although I'm sad to leave LA, I'm excited about seeing my friends in Tokyo again and starting my internship in HK. Seems like a lot of changes are happening in my life these days which I'm totally happy about :)

will blog more later.. cant think of anything to say...