Wednesday, November 29, 2006

today was somewhat of a mixture of good and so-so kind of day. the market today was pretty quiet, unlike yesterday's drastic sell off in most of the asian markets. we've all talked about a possible correction in the HSI and H-shares indices, but who knew that day would be here! fortunately, the market recovered back some of the losses it saw 24 hours before. but the nikkei had a great day today.

work was somewhat of an okay day today....maybe i'm starting to not care as much but i felt especially good after talking to one of my coworker about some of my frustration and he told me it was normal since that's what he had to go through last year when he joined. that gave me slight hope and confidence.

tonight, i had dinner with one of my friend... we went to this korean bbq restaurant that she suggested. the food was awesome! i totally forgot how much i missed eating korean food! then after dinner, we decided to walk back instead of my usual means of transportation (i.e. taxi).. it was a nice walk and gave us time to catch up even more.

since my company is not having xmas party this year due to cost cutting (so cheap!) i've been invited to my ex-cowo's xmas party at Goldman this friday =) I'm looking forward to it... Hopefully it'll put me in these festive holiday mood that i usually have every year. although christmas is my all time favorite holiday, somehow i'm just not feeling it this year... i blame it on my job

i plan to update my blog more regularly so come back often and check for updates! =)


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