Thursday, June 16, 2005

belated Tokyo update

hi everybody! it's been few days since I last updated this blog. Why haven't I updated this? Well, simply put, I have been pretty darn busy getting ready for the internship, showing my mom around HK, and getting massages here and there :) kidding. ok, maybe not.

since I haven't been able to update ya'll on what I did the last few days in Tokyo, I thought I would just upload some pictures that I took which would show what I was up to.. so here it is..

Last meal in Tokyo -- lunch with Yuko in Shibuya at Tops for some Curry before flying to HK

Dinner in Ginza with friends (L to R: Me, Kristy, Mike)

the food we ate (pork nabe)...

Sushi Dinner with my cousin, her husband, and her two kids! They are cute but a handful nonetheless.

Dinner with my elementary school friends from Tokyo Chinese School (TCS) - [Left to Right: Harue, Me, Oliver, Lin]. I've known Oliver and Harue since 1st grade -- that's 22 years ago!! :)

Harue, Me, and Oliver

Lunch with ex-colleagues from GS:

Conveyor belt sushi I had one lunch in Shibuya -- Sea Urchin - yum

Circling sushi...


Blogger AkaRingo said...

good luck in HK, and remember to visit TAIPEI!!!

1:39 PM  

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