Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Life in Hong Kong

Well, Well, Well. It's been awhile since I last updated this. Apologies for those who have been periodically checking up on this page for updates. Life has been quite interesting for the last week or two. Quite frankly, I haven't done anything big since the last time I blogged, only small things here and there. Last night, I met up with my HK ex-colleagues from Goldman for dinner and drinks at this "Chiu-Chow" restaurant. I guess Chiu-Chow is a type of Chinese cuisine with lots of fish and seafood. Since they're all locals, they know lots of good places to eat -- which is always a good thing :) It was good meeting up and catching up with my HK ex-colleagues again although it wasn't too long ago since I last saw them (back in January during my China Trip). Anyhoo, I was so stuffed and took the taxi back home (the hotel) afterwards.

Since I've been stuffing myself like a cow ever since I got off the plane, I decided to join a gym to de-chunkify myself. So, I joined the gym downstairs in our office building. While the facility is pretty good, its also quite pricey. Basically I'm paying the happy price of $270 for 8 weeks. That's about how much I use to pay in Tokyo when I worked there....BUT this is Hong Kong! argh. I guess I joined one of the more expensive gym around according to my HK friends. Oh well, at least I get free t-shirt, shorts, and towels to use everytime. Oh, I also get a free certificate to see a body trainer and a free one hour facial session. Okay, not sure why but they give all the new girl members a free one hour massage session for joining. But for guys, we get one free hour of facial session. I wanted the massage instead but they said massages are only for girls and facials are for guys. Now, that can’t possibly be right…. Weird right?? Awww, joys of living in HK. I have to say that I've never gotten a facial before..it would be quite interesting if I decide to use my free facial certificate :P Don't worry, if I end up getting one, I'll make sure to blog about it and let you know :P

In other news, my mom came back from her world tour on Sunday. Okay, its not really a world tour but it seems like it considering how much more she's been traveling over the past few years. But I am really glad to see that she's traveling more and enjoying herself....although I wish that I can accompany her on some of the trips sometimes. The tour that she took was to two cities in the southern east part of China - place called Xiamen and Fujien. I know most foreigners have never heard of it before but these are pretty popular travel destination in China (ask any Chinese!). She joined a HK tour to go to these places, and had a good time on the trip except that the entire tour was in Cantonese.. She's suppose to go to another tour to Guilin tomorrow but decided not to go and just stay in HK to chill. She'll be here until early next week before going off to Tokyo for another few weeks there.

This Friday (July 1st) is a public holiday here. It's the day that Hong Kong was returned back to China from the British. Interesting eh? I don't have any concrete plans for the weekend yet.. but probably will try to go to Macao and hang out in Hong Kong the remainder of the time. I also have a conference call on Friday nite..sigh..so I might just come into the office at night or just take the call from my room. bleh. Oh in case you've been wondering, work has been pretty good and I'm enjoying it so far. But I decided not to blog about it for obvious reasons =)


Blogger AkaRingo said...

we finally heard from you!
Hong Kong has ate you alive!!!

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack!!! How are you doing? More update PLEASE!!!

10:50 AM  

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