Sunday, June 05, 2005

Saturday whatevers

Yesterday, my brother and I went to visit my grandmother at Rose Hills. Its been few months since I last visted her. It's hard to believe that its 5 years since she passed away. Time really flies. It's also eerie to see the two extra empty grave plots next to her which my parents bought for "future use". Afterwards, we drove to South Coast Plaza and did some minor shopping before we got hungry and drove to this hole-in-wall mexican place called "Albertaco's". Apparently, this was both of my brother's favorite places to get cheap mexican grub for years --- never knew this place existed! The food was pretty good and will definitely have to remember to go back there next time I feel like getting some Taco Bell.

Last night, my friends and I went to this cool modern tapas place in Old Towne Pasadena called "Bar-Celona". The food was pretty good but what's equally good was the decor and the ambience inside. The place was ultra modern and we sat on this round lounge-couch thingy eating our tapas and drinking our Sangria while listening to 80's tunes spinned by the on-site DJ and watching random movies been projected on the big flat screen TV on the walls. The scene was straight out of those cool-ass music video on MTV.

I also want to thank my Ithacan friends for calling me last night on my cellphone (you know who you are!). They called to wish me well on my upcoming trip to Asia. It was really nice to hear from them. AWWWW. They're like my crew away from home and I totally miss hanging out with them. They will be greatly missed this summer (hopefully the feeling is mutual) but I can't wait to reunite with them when school starts again in the fall. I wish ya'll a great summer internship and kick some a$$!!

After Tapas, we drove across town to west hollywood to continue with our drinking. I'm proud to say that I only allowed myself to consume 1 Long Island Ice Tea before we decided to call it a night. No, I didn't really get that drunk last night. Only a slight buzz -- thanks for asking.


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