Friday, June 03, 2005

Friday I'm in Love...

Come to think of it, this is my first and last weekend in LA. Last weekend I was in Vegas, and the weekend before I was in San Francisco. Geeze, time is whizzing by at the blink of an eye. Some updates if you care to find out:

Lunch-ed with Haeran in Orange County on Wednesday. Went to this Vietnamese restaurant and had the "7 Courses of Beef". Basically as the name says, its 7 different types of beef dishes cooked in different ways - some you eat wrapped in lettuce, and some in this rice paper thingy. It was my first time eating this and it was delicious (good choice Haeran!). Since its all beef, its also good for my low-carb diet as well.

Then dropped Haeran off back at work and did some solo shopping in OC. Managed to find great deals on my favorite jeans. So picked up 2 pairs and then quickly decided to drive home since I didn't want to get caught in the horrendous OC rush hour traffic on the 405. Then went to gym and just hung out with friends in the evening.

Didn't do a whole lot except went out and shopped and bought a new pair of "Gordon Rush" black dress shoes for work. Then had dinner with my parents, bro, and their friends at this new Chinese restaurant my parents proudly claim they have "discovered" in West Covina. The food was pretty decent and it was relatively inexpensive for the amount and quality. I was so stuffed.

Good News! For anyone who's been asking me when I'll be getting my braces off (thanks for asking), I was informed today that my bling-bling should be coming off around September! Now that's GREAT NEWS although I was annoyed with my ortho appointment today.

So I get to my 10:20 AM appointment on time, and noticed that the doctor wasn't there. So instead of having me wait till the main doc comes, this new ortho doc decided to take a look at my teeth. He was this young (around my age) and fobby (in my opinion) asian dude. He wore this white lab coat with "UCLA Medical Center" embroildered on the front which made me speculate that he was probably just a summer intern. Now, I'm not the one to talk since I'll be an intern in couple of weeks but this guy definitely needed more training and wouldn't hurt for him to take some etiquette courses along the way.

First he took a look at my file and started questioning (and in this mean, lecturing tone of voice) why I haven't been going in to get my teeth checed on a monthly basis since 2001. Um, hello - I use to live on the other side of the freakin' earth called Tokyo?!?! He should be lucky that I'm coming to get my teeth checked once every 4 months. After explaining to him my arrangement that I have with my doctor, he proceeded to examine my gums (mind you, he was barely listening to what I had to say since he made me repeat it 3 times). Then he proceeded to tell me that I needed to use a water pik to clean my gum going forward. Fine. So I replied back with acknowledgement and said "Okay, Water Pik". He then replied back saying "Do YOU know what they are?" and proceeded too spell it out for me in this fobbish accented engrish "W-A-T-E-R P-I-K". I looked at him all baffled and was like WTF?! I know what a water pik is and why the F was he spelling the the word out for me?! Anyways, long story short, my real doctor called and was running a bit late. So I had to come back again at 1pm to get re-examined by her. I was annoyed because I was there for over an hour before they sent me away only to come back 2 hours later.

So I went back to the ortho at 1pm and was there till 2:30pm. In addition to my braces, I am now sporting a white rubber band from the upper back teeth all the way to the lower front teeth. It looks as if the rubber band is trying to stop me from opening my mouth too wide. It looks absolutely ridiculous but I guess I have to do what I have to do. Anyhoo, so that's that.

On a lighter note, I found out that I'll be covering the Technology Sector for Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan) for their Equity Research division this summer for Merrill. I know some of you guys are overly excited to hear about my research job - but don't let the excitement show all at once. Anyhoo, Technology Sector - I guess no surprise there. But I'm pretty excited since at least I'm pretty comfortable with tech talk and lingo. I just looked at my first week of orientation agenda and it looks pretty chill for the most part --- except that I see something from 9 -5pm on a SATURDAY!?!?! I guess that is life....in Asia.

Tonight I'll be having dinner with my LA crew somewhere near my house or in LA... probably going to our favorite Sushi place called "Karuta". Then we'll probably just do the usual - movies or going out to a bar in LA. Come to think of it, we haven't been to that martini lounge (Lola's) in awhile. Or maybe we can hang out on Sunset Blvd? Ahh.. endless things to do in LA...

Feeling chunky today so I'm off to the gym.

Famous people with braces:

Ashley Judd, Tom Cruise, Prince Harry...


Blogger AkaRingo said...

september?! that is still so far away!

oh, and you forgot to post my picture at next to ashley judd, hee hee...

11:52 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

considering that i've had my braces for almost 4 years now, September is just around the corner!

oh, and i didn't know you got braces! hehehe...

7:36 PM  

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