Monday, June 06, 2005

Extra Day

Some of you guys might be wondering how am I blogging this entry when technically I should be on a plane somewhere above the Pacific Ocean on my way to Tokyo. Well, it turns out that my flight is tomorrow (Tuesday) and NOT today (Monday) as I have previously thought. I know you're all thinking I'm crazy and wondering how I can get it mixed up? Well simple. Originally I was going to leave on Monday but when I was booking my ticket few weeks ago, I decided to give myself an extra day to recouperate from the crazy weekend that I anticipated. Long story short, I forgot that I did this and kept thinking in my head that I was still leaving on Monday. But I'm glad that I have this extra day to just relax - it felt as if I was given another chance to live or something (okay, maybe not that dramatic). But it's a good feeling to not have to leave LA even if its only a day later. Maybe this is a sign that I really should be staying put in LA?

Anyhoo, I spent my extra day basically running errands. For lunch, I had dim sum with my parents. And for dinner, I had sushi at "Karuta" also with my parents and my brother. What a day. Time to continue packing...leaving extra early tomorrow to LAX since I want to make a quick stop at United's lost and found department in hopes that I'll find my laptop adapter that I lost back in January of this year :(


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