Saturday, November 25, 2006

my new life in HK

So I finally took my Hong Kong securities licence exam this past saturday after cramming for the past 48 hours. I'm not sure how well I did but hopefully I passed. I really hope I passed and don't have to retake it again. I guess I'll find out in the next few weeks. Wish me luck *gulp*

As for adjusting to my new life in HK, I feel like things are progressively getting better and worse simultaneously. Is that even possible you ask?!? I think a lot of it are as a result of my work. Like any jobs I'm sure, some days are good and some days are bad...but for my job, high is really high and low is significantly low. So it gets a bit depressing during the lows... but i'm trying to make the best out of it. These days, I'm really busy at work... when I'm busy is usually my high days. I've been booking a lot of trades, getting prices from the traders, handling all kinds of trade related issues with clients. During busy days, time flies by so quick.. before you know it, its time for lunc... then the next thing you know, its already 5pm. One thing I really dont like is having to wake up at 5:30AM every single morning to be at work by 6:15AM. I'm totally not a morning person.

Lately i've been feeling quite nostalgic about my old life back in Tokyo. At times I really miss being in Tokyo and being surrrounded by many of my good friends. But now I'm in Hong Kong, with hardly any friends, starting all over again from scratch. I admit, the thought of just leaving HK and moving either back to Tokyo or LA has crossed my mind several times. I use to like visiting Hong Kong for vacation but it's really different when you actually live here. Little things we take for granted like having a clean air, or having our own personal space is something I miss among other things.

In a more exciting news, I finally moved into my new apartment and have bought most of my furnitures I need. My living room sorta looks like an Ikea showroom...heehee. My apartment is slowly starting to look and feel like a home. I finally bought myself a Sony flatscreen TV that I've always wanted to get for myself. I felt the need to treat myself to something good after all the mental anguish I've been going through.

I just realized that I never posted any of my London pictures -- so here it goes....

Me and my new coworkers in London - they're all quite cool people:

Me and the international party-girl, Mary! I see her everywhere around the world but in the US! Hopefully we'll end up living in the same city one day...whether that be NYC or HK =D

My Nottinghill flat in London:

What you see below is arguably the weirdest couch you will ever see. This entire couch is made out of teddy bears!! We found this couch in Harrod's department store in London. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this.. it still makes me laugh when looking at the picture because its so ridiculous..haha


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