Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Lucky day

Hello my blog reading friends! I know it's been few days since I last updated my blog...but its been one hectic week for me so far. I'll blog more about that later on since I'm at the Narita Airport right now.

I'm using the free internet at the UA business class lounge. Yup, when I was checking in, I (in my nice and persuasive tone of voice) talked the guy at the counter out of NOT making me pay overweight luggage penalty fee (my luggage was WAAAY over the limit) AND upgrading me to business class --- all for free :) So here I am sitting at the lounge using the free internet while my overweight luggage is being transported to Hong Kong! So that was good news for me. Anway, there are lots of free alcohol here...and I would help myself with some, but its probably best that I don't since I'm meeting my mom at the Hong Kong airport later on.

In other news, I took a taxi to Shibuya today from Azabu-Jyuuban. I end up having a very good conversation with the taxi driver about Azabu-Jyuuban and how the city has changed over the last 20 years. Since I pretty much grew up around Azabu area, we were able to talk and "walk down the memory lane" about that part of town. He must have really enjoyed our conversation because when I got to Shibuya, he wouldn't let me pay for the taxi fare! All 2,000 yen (about 20 USD)!!!! But I felt bad so I insisted on paying him at least half of it (which I did) :) So that was nice of him. I've taken taxis in Tokyo gazillion of times (some would say too much), but I have never had a driver refuse to take my money just because we had a good conversation! Although I have had few rare incidents where I negotiated the fare with the driver and end up getting a slight discount, but that's a different story :)

Anyway, just thought I would blog and share this experience with ya'll. Now its time for me to board my flight to Hong Kong -- will blog more about my last few days when I get there! Hope you're all doing well!


Blogger haeran said...

hey that is so cool! good luck on ur first day!

7:55 PM  

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