Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Yesterday I had lunch with Billie at this Japanese restaurant called "Midori" in Cerritos. The food was pretty good and from the way the waitress knew Billie, she seem to be a frequent customer there :) I'm totally envious that Billie literally works 5 minutes away from home! What a lucky girl. I hope I don't have to commute too far to work next year when I get a job...wherever that will be (hopefully back in CA, or anywhere in the US).

In the afternoon, went to the gym and followed a friend's suggestion and did 1 hour of cardio - which felt really good :) I had never done cardio for that long since I usually get bored after 20 minutes of repetitive movement. It also gave me a chance to catch up on magazine reading. From the way I ate all those buffet in Vegas, this workout was way needed. Then at night just hung out around the house and later went out a bit.

I can't believe that I have less than a week left in LA before I take off for Japan and HK for the summer. Although I'm sad to leave LA, I'm excited about seeing my friends in Tokyo again and starting my internship in HK. Seems like a lot of changes are happening in my life these days which I'm totally happy about :)

will blog more later.. cant think of anything to say...


Blogger bookbug said...

Jack, seems you have a nice, relaxing time at your hometown:) And you did cardio in 1 hour?! Sugoi-jan! I'm afraid if I won't be able to lose my weight after having delivery.. I'll definitely star to work out after having delivery soon!

11:32 AM  

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