Sunday, November 19, 2006

Yes, I'm still alive

it's about time i updated my blog. i just read my last entry and that was a long time ago. so many things have happened in the last few months that i'm not sure how to begin. first and for most, i'm sorry that i haven't been very good at keeping my blog up to date... for those who constantly came back to my blog to check if i ever made it out of SFO okay, and to those who kept sending me emails wondering if i'm still alive -- THANK YOU for checking up on me! the truth is, the last few months have just been an emotional roller coaster... mainly as a result of my work and few other personal things here and there. needless to say, the situation is improving.. or maybe i'm getting decensitized.

i've been all over the place the last few months... started my summer in NYC, then flew back to HK for 3 weeks, then to London for 3 weeks, Singapore for another 3 weeks, and then finally came back to HK. As glamours and jet-setting as it sounds, travelling around the world and living out of a suitcase for nearly 4 months really is not all that fun. sure, it was fun shopping in picadilly circus in london on the weekend, having dinner and drinks with mary and her "friend" in london, or feasting on chilly crabs in singapore...but after awhile, i just wanted to settle down and have some normal routine life.

i've been back in hong kong for nearly 5 weeks now... things started out quite rough at work but its gradually improving. without going into too much details (since this is probably the wrong venue for it), i never felt like this about any of my past jobs..and i've had plenty of jobs. i wouldn't say everything is 'great' right now but it could be a lot worse i suppose. hopefully things will get better and i'll start enjoying work more.

on a different note, i finally found an apartment and moved in! i found a brand new apartment in central/midlevel area. it was tough finding a brand new apt in hong kong. i have this strong requirement to to not live in an old apartment....but man some of the apartments that my agents showed me was just absolutely horrendous...with pink toilet seats and bars outside the window..and that's not even the worst part...some are just really really old and ghetto... if you were there with me, you would have agreed.... it was straight out of a 70's HK movie..scary.

my new apt is nothing like that... its quite modern, 2 bedroom apartment, with a gym and a pool downstairs. the only thing is that the rooms are quite small (really small)... but i dont really mind it. one thing i noticed about hk is that ppl here is that number of rooms are more important than the size of each room. some apartmens i saw were only 500 sq feet..yet they somehow managed to have 2 bedrooms?!?!

i'm still slowly trying to organize my apt.. i just bought new cabinets, dining set, and few other furnitures here and there.. one last thing i'm shopping for right now is a plasma tv... i've always wanted to buy one and now that i feel like i'm working so damn hard at work, i feel like i deserve one even more ;)

sometimes its weird to think that i'm living in hong kong... just yesterday, i was out shopping for my apartment stuff, and out of the blue, it hit me that i'm now permanently living and working in hong kong (i know, duh me!).... but it just feels odd living here esp since i'm not even from here and have no family connection here.. the city is great but i think its exhausting to live here sometimes.. there's not that much stuff to do on the weekend except shopping and eating i feel like.... hmm... so i'm gonna try to find new things to do on the weekend.

anyways, i better hop into bed... i have to wake up at 530am to go to work.

hopefully i'll make a habit of updating my blog more regularly than before. good nite ya'll!


Blogger AkaRingo said...

i thought you were still in sanfran! hahaha...

5:58 AM  
Blogger Anna Banana said...

Finally!!!! You are back! Gym and pool in your appartment building! Wow fancy. Please keep us posted how you are doing!!!

12:07 PM  

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