Friday, February 24, 2006

Spring Break

Howdy folks!

Finally booked my ticket for spring break! Even though my break is technically only a week long, I'm going to skip a day of class so that I can leave 3 days earlier since I have no classes on Wednesdays. It's weird that I'm making travel plans again since I just got back from a long trip only last month!

Anyways, basically I'll be in LA from March 14th to the 18th, and flying to Taipei and spending a week there and coming back to NY on the 27th. I'm pretty excited about Taiwan since it's been 2 years since I was there. Can't wait to stuff myself like a mad-cow with all the good local food in Taiwan!

Jenny, Michella - if you guys are free, we should meet up!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

happy birthday gma.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

2 birthdays

This weekend, I was suppose to drive to NYC to meet up with Mary in NYC to celebrate her birthday but my weekend plan quickly changed. About an hour into my drive, the wind was blowing so strong and it was snowing really hard that I had to turn around and come back after my SUV started sliding on ice and for a few second, I lost control of my car!! Luckily I was able to somehow manuever my car back. Man, the weather here is so drastic. Just few days ago, it was pretty warm (mid-high 50's). My friends even made fun of me when I busted out my sandals and wore it out. But this weekend, it snowed again and the temperature dropped pretty drastically. This is so weird because it's already February and I still see snow (and lots of it) outside. Anyways, it's a shame that I couldn't make it down to NYC. But Mary and I plan to hang out and party this summer during my 2 months training in London. Happy Birthday Mary!

On a different note, it was my friend Doris' birthday this past Friday. Bunch of us got together and threw her a birthday party first at her place than we all hit our local wannabe-club called "Level B". I think the party went pretty well and all of us had fun. Oh, Bea made really good meatballs for the party.

*Pics from the party here*

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


When I was walking back from school today, something reminded me of the past and it made me feel very nostalgic. It was exactly 2 years ago that I went on the snowboarding trip to Hokkaido with Kin, Koji, and 2 other friends in Japan. I must say it was such a memorable trip. Although there was a major snowstorm on the way back which caused the entire Chitose airport to shut down (forcing us to literally sleep on the floor of the Chitose airport), and I end up missing a day or two of work, overall the trip was pretty memorable. Even though it's been only two years since the trip, so many things have changed. Kin quit his job in Tokyo and moved to Taipei then back home to the bay area, and I also quit my job only to move to NY for b-school, and Koji have switched jobs but still in Tokyo.

I wonder what the next two years will look like once I finish b-school and move to HK? Will I enjoy living in HK just as much as I enjoyed living in Tokyo? Will I make good friends just like I did in Tokyo? I wonder when I will get tired of my globe trotting "adventure" and call it quits and move back to LA. Seems like many of my friends are asking me these same questions these days but I have no anwers for them. Only time will tell.

Friday, February 10, 2006

snow everywhere

howdy people!

I'm so glad that it's finally the weekend. It's been such a long week This week was pretty hectic for me with all the work I had to do. Surprisingly, I originally expected to kick ass in my Chinese class not because I speak Chinese but because I didn't think there would be a lot of work for that class...boy, was I wrong! This class is turning out to be one big time sucker! We literally have assignments and presentations due every single class. Although with all this work, I do have to admit that the stuff we're learning will be pretty helpful for my new job. I've also decided to drop my Investment & Portfolio Management class today so I'll have some extra free time to study and prep for my new job this summer. So yeah, I'm now taking exactly the number of units to graduate. Now, I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which means I have a 4 day weekend every week!

In other news, it's been snowing pretty hard here the past couple of days, with a possible snow blizzard coming this weekend! Walking to class in the snow has definitely been an experience. Yesterday, when I was walking home, the heavy snowing outside felt so surreal. It felt as if I was in a huge snow globe and somebody had just shook it! As much as I like the snow, it does get old really quick though. First, I hate having to sweep off the pile of snow that's accumulated over night whenevern I want to drive my car. Second, I dont like having to worry if my car's going to slide down the hill when I drive; and 3) also not fond of the cold weather right now. But seeing all this snow has really made me feel lucky to not have grown up in this kind of weather condition. I guess being a Californian, I'm petty spoiled with good weather that we have back home. Anyway, hopefully the snow will die down so I can drive to NYC next weekend.

I saw the movie, "Munich" last night. I have 3 things to say about the movie:
1. I didn't like it at all. I was just not very amused with the story even thought it's suppose to be a real incident. I even fell asleep the first 15 minutes into the movie. If I knew the movie was this bad, I would have closed my eyes and went back to sleep.
2. The movie was way too long . 2 hours and 45 minutes to be exact.
3. Such a depressing movie
This movie made "Match Point" look so much better.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

another week

What a week! Felt like the week went by so quickly! Today (Friday) was such a long day. Normally, I get the day off but for the next three Fridays, I have my "Strategic Alliance" class that literally runs from 8:30 in the morning all the way till the afternoon -- boo! So this morning, I was so tired but dragged myself out of bed just in time for the 8:30 class. The class is divided into three 1.75 hour sessions. The first session was pretty good, but I don't feel like I got much out of the next 2 sessions. Partly, I blame that on myself since I was so bored out of my mind that I started playing solitaire on my PDA until the battery went out (which suprisingly lasted for few hours). But I also didn't feel like the last 2 sessions covered any new topics that I hadn't either learned or heard before, so that was a bummer.

After the class, I had a meeting that didn't end till 4:30pm. Then, I quickly ran to the campus store to pick up some stuff on my way home. I rushed home because today was my first Tae Kwan Do class. Yup, I signed up to take Tae Kwan Do! I've been wanting to take a martial art class but haven't had the chance (or the time) in the last few years. I've taken Aikido and Karate when I was young, but TKD is definitely more physically strenuous! Today, we learned different "forms" such as punching and kicking. Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed the class. Then after the class, I got home and rushed to get ready to meet up with friends for dinner. We ended up eating at Madeline's which is always a good choice. Nearly stuffed myself like a cow with ny strip steak and desserts.

ooh, I saw "Match Point" last night. It was a horrible movie with cheesy British dialogue and predictable story line. I wouldn't recommend watching it.