Saturday, February 04, 2006

another week

What a week! Felt like the week went by so quickly! Today (Friday) was such a long day. Normally, I get the day off but for the next three Fridays, I have my "Strategic Alliance" class that literally runs from 8:30 in the morning all the way till the afternoon -- boo! So this morning, I was so tired but dragged myself out of bed just in time for the 8:30 class. The class is divided into three 1.75 hour sessions. The first session was pretty good, but I don't feel like I got much out of the next 2 sessions. Partly, I blame that on myself since I was so bored out of my mind that I started playing solitaire on my PDA until the battery went out (which suprisingly lasted for few hours). But I also didn't feel like the last 2 sessions covered any new topics that I hadn't either learned or heard before, so that was a bummer.

After the class, I had a meeting that didn't end till 4:30pm. Then, I quickly ran to the campus store to pick up some stuff on my way home. I rushed home because today was my first Tae Kwan Do class. Yup, I signed up to take Tae Kwan Do! I've been wanting to take a martial art class but haven't had the chance (or the time) in the last few years. I've taken Aikido and Karate when I was young, but TKD is definitely more physically strenuous! Today, we learned different "forms" such as punching and kicking. Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed the class. Then after the class, I got home and rushed to get ready to meet up with friends for dinner. We ended up eating at Madeline's which is always a good choice. Nearly stuffed myself like a cow with ny strip steak and desserts.

ooh, I saw "Match Point" last night. It was a horrible movie with cheesy British dialogue and predictable story line. I wouldn't recommend watching it.


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