Friday, February 10, 2006

snow everywhere

howdy people!

I'm so glad that it's finally the weekend. It's been such a long week This week was pretty hectic for me with all the work I had to do. Surprisingly, I originally expected to kick ass in my Chinese class not because I speak Chinese but because I didn't think there would be a lot of work for that class...boy, was I wrong! This class is turning out to be one big time sucker! We literally have assignments and presentations due every single class. Although with all this work, I do have to admit that the stuff we're learning will be pretty helpful for my new job. I've also decided to drop my Investment & Portfolio Management class today so I'll have some extra free time to study and prep for my new job this summer. So yeah, I'm now taking exactly the number of units to graduate. Now, I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which means I have a 4 day weekend every week!

In other news, it's been snowing pretty hard here the past couple of days, with a possible snow blizzard coming this weekend! Walking to class in the snow has definitely been an experience. Yesterday, when I was walking home, the heavy snowing outside felt so surreal. It felt as if I was in a huge snow globe and somebody had just shook it! As much as I like the snow, it does get old really quick though. First, I hate having to sweep off the pile of snow that's accumulated over night whenevern I want to drive my car. Second, I dont like having to worry if my car's going to slide down the hill when I drive; and 3) also not fond of the cold weather right now. But seeing all this snow has really made me feel lucky to not have grown up in this kind of weather condition. I guess being a Californian, I'm petty spoiled with good weather that we have back home. Anyway, hopefully the snow will die down so I can drive to NYC next weekend.

I saw the movie, "Munich" last night. I have 3 things to say about the movie:
1. I didn't like it at all. I was just not very amused with the story even thought it's suppose to be a real incident. I even fell asleep the first 15 minutes into the movie. If I knew the movie was this bad, I would have closed my eyes and went back to sleep.
2. The movie was way too long . 2 hours and 45 minutes to be exact.
3. Such a depressing movie
This movie made "Match Point" look so much better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

12:04 AM  

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