Friday, June 23, 2006

Another week in LA

Since my last entry, I haven't been doing much but errands. There are so many things I need to take care of before my crazy move to HK via NYC via London. Here are some of the stuff I've been doing:

Getting Ready for the Big Move
I've been making so many trips to Ikea and Target since I got back....mainly buying stuff that will be shipped to HK when my movers come in 2 weeks. I bought most of the essential kitchen and house stuff already...new plate set, utensils, pots and pans, etc. Also bought small furnitures like a new coffee table, a nice rug, and I need to buy a new bed this weekend. Since I've been moving to different countries once every two years, I've been practically buying all of this same stuff...well, once every 2 years. Like my kitchen stuff, I got rid of it in NY when I moved back few weeks ago, but now I'm buying most of the same stuff all over again...argh.

San Francisco

I made a trip up to San Francisco last weekend. It was a super busy weekend for me but like always, I had a great time up there. I went up there because I wanted to see my friends and relatives one last time before I move half way across the world to HK. On Saturday nite, I went to Doris' welcome back party at her sister's place. The party was pretty cool and I got to meet many of Doris' friends. I went with Gorton and Mayuko. It was nice seeing Gorton, Doris, and Mayuko and catching up with them! Then, I spent the next day with Winnie, my ex-coworker/friend from HK last summer. We drove across the Golden Gate bridge, hung out and had lunch in Sausalito, fisherman's wharf, and had dessert at Ghiradelli. In the afternoon, we met up with Doris, Gorton, and Mayuko for high-tea at Ritz Carlton.

Then on Monday, I had lunch with Paigie in Japantown before driving back home to LA. In the morning, I made a quick trip down memory lane and drove to Berkeley! It's been awhile since I visited my alma mater and it was very nostalgic. I walked down telegraph and was surprised to see that the GAP store across the street from school went out of business. I use to buy all kinds of crap from that GAP during college....when I was going through my GAP phase...hahaha. Then I briefly walked around the Berkeley campus, and everything looked pretty much the same as it was when I was there for college...maybe some of the buildings like Sproul Hall was repainted and looks newer. But other than that, Berkeley was pretty much Berkeley. Visiting the campus made me miss college....and seeing the students there made me feel really old.

Overall, the trip to SF was awesome and it was good seeing my friends. Hopefully, I'll see most of them again...perhaps in HK next time.

Nacho Libre
Went to see Nacho Libre last night with a friend. Surprisingly, I liked the movie a lot. We couldn't stop laughing through out the movie. It was hilarious! HAHAHAHA

Looks like I'll be getting my braces off next week...or so I was told by my ortho doc yesterday. woohoo! They started taking some of the brackets off my teeth in the back and I can already feel the difference. Can't wait to get them all of my bling-bling off! It's been 3 long bling-years since I had braces.

Time for the gym. Ya'll have a great weekend!


Blogger AkaRingo said...

congrats! i was so happy when i had my braces off... you will feel wired at first though, need some time to get used to.

8:41 AM  

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