Saturday, December 30, 2006

Recap of 2006 and 2007 resolution!

in less than 24 hours, 2006 will be over. Looking back a lot of things happened this year. I have mixed feelings about whether or not I liked 2006. I think the year was filled with lots of ups and downs.

Recap of 2006:

Jan - I was still recovering from my blood-vomitting, ulcer-ish incident from few months prior. Despite it all, I took a chance and vacationed with my classmate, Della to Rome and Paris. The trip was good except that she got pick pocketed. Spent way too much money in Paris and Rome. But it was definitely one memorable trip for sure.
March - spent the spring break in Taiwan, visiting dad, but mainly to get a full body physical exam. Frustrating because the doctor couldn't come to conclusion on what really caused the blood vomitting incident back in Nov. At this point, I think its probably a one-off type of incident. Oh and got to see Yuko, A-chan, and Hal, my god son!
May - graduated from business school. yay! but was sad to part with all my friends from b-school.
June - moved back to LA and just bummed around for a month.
July - flew back to NY and started my training with my new company. It was fun hanging out with my school friends again. Made me realize that I'd want to someday live and work in NYC. Not sure when but hopefully that'll happen down the road.
Aug - after training, flew to Hong Kong and worked there for 3 weeks.
Sept - flew to London from Hong Kong. Spent 3 weeks there for training and rotation.
Oct - flew to Singapore for more training and rotation. Got back to Hong Kong at the end of the month.
Nov - moved into my new apartment. Studied and passed the HK securities license exam.
Dec - studying again yet for another exam. Spent the xmas with new friends I made in HK. Parents are coming on the very last day of the year.

My 2007 resolution:
1. Workout more and eat more healthy.
2. Set aside at least 30 minutes every night to read
3. Study more about my job.
4. Don't stress over job, and don't let the job consume me.
5. Sleep early and get at least 6.5 hours of sleep during week nights.
6. Be happier.

Monday, December 11, 2006

random buy

i've been thinking about buying this thing the entire day at work...so after work, i went out to Sogo and bought it! its a foot/leg massage machine! haha.. yes yes, i'm getting old. i first used this at my coworker's house last week and thought it was so good...so i had to have it. since its kinda big in size, people usually get it delivered to their house...but I wanted to use it tonight so i end up lugging it back home in a cab all by myself.. of course i got a lot of stares on the street because i'm dressed in suits and lugging this humongous box that's labeled "isqueeze foot massager" down the street.

my new toy:

this past weekend was quite a productive weekend for me

1. my first cantonese lesson...yes i'm taking private cantonese lesson so i can communicate better with the locals... i have hard time communicating with the taxi drivers and i take it to/from work everyday so i think this will def. be helpful.

2. first time going to the gym in almost 2 months! what triggered me to go this weekend was because the tea-lady who works on our trading floor (she serves tea and manages the pantry) saw me and bluntly told me how i much weight i gained after coming back from London...haha.. she was so direct but its good though because i needed honest opinion!

3. first time going to church... i liked the atomosphere but this church was probably not right for me.. ppl were slightly older than me and was quite a local church. i think i need to find a church where there are people my age...and more diverse crowd.

4. got couple tailor made suits and shirts - one good thing about hk!

okay i'm sleepy and need to be in bed.. good nite all!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

pleasant surprise

I passed my HK securities license exam!! Woohoo! It's been awhile since something good has happened to me I feel like. I was even able to check my actual score and surpisingly I did a lot better than I thought. Now I can cross this off my to-do list and focus on work.

Monday, December 04, 2006

feeling like my old self again

this weekend, i felt like my old self again. i end up doing a lot of stuff:
1. friday night, i was invited by my ex coworkers from GS to join them for christmas dinner. great food, great company, great ambience... what else can i ask for? then some of us continued the night and went to a bar in LKF which was owend by a HK celebrity. we drank WAAAY too much..and I was totally drunk. In a tiny guilty kinda way, it felt great to be intoxicated.. felt like all my worries disappeared. I wonder if that's a sign of alcoholism? ha!

2. saturday my tv finally arrived! i love it! see below:

3. sunday, went to shenzhen with a coworker of mine...we spent the day just shopping, eating, and getting massages... i know what a life eh? with stressful work weeks, this is the least i can do for myself...

alright its about 10pm.. It's time for me to go to bed. I'm waking up at 530am. I can't wait until the weekend rolls arouns again....Good nite folks!