Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Call from Professor

This morning I got a surprise phone call from my International Entrepreunership class professor that I took this past semester. I was quite surprised because no professor has ever called me before, let alone on my cellphone. Apparently he wanted to discuss with me about my final project that I did for that class - which was to come up with a business idea and plan to start an international business.

At first I thought I was in trouble but it turned out that he really liked our business idea that we pitched. Our business plan/idea was to establish a profitable western-style bakery & confectionary chain in Mainland China. He asked me if I was serious about this business plan and whether or not I'm going to start it while in business school (!). I told him that it was an idea that I've always thought about but not something I want to jump into immediately (perhaps after b-school?). I was surprised by the call because I thought we just did an OK job with the final project. I'm glad that he thought it was a good business idea.


Blogger kinyoshi said...

i remember talking about it briefly about this idea. can i read it?

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is a great idea, Jack! Go for it! I remember how much you like sweets yo.

10:44 AM  
Blogger bookbug said...


7:53 PM  
Blogger haeran said...

cool deal.. can i design some hello kitty desserts?

8:31 PM  
Blogger AkaRingo said...

jack, great idea- like the cozy corner in japan. did you know that "mr. donuts" is doing super in taipei- people line up for blocks and hours just to buy a donuts.
oh, and i just spoke to Le Cordon Bleu, it's such a successful business model, they are planning on starting a "cafe" chain (sells sweets, cakes, etc.) in grater china, maybe you can partner with them since their name is well built already...
(check out my blog, i have some of the pictures that i took this meeting with LCB). and if you want to learn more about LCB, let me know!

10:22 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

Thanks everyone!

Jenny - I'll definitely hit you up for more info about LCB when I see you next time. Sounds interesting :)

2:15 PM  

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