Saturday, June 03, 2006

waiting for my connecting flight in JFK

i'm currently at JFK waiting for my connecting flight. thank gawd JFK has free wifi because this layover is 3+ hours long. i left ithaca for good this morning. hard to believe that i won't be going back to ithaca or syr anymore.

i have 2 ginormous luggages that i had to check in this morning at the counter...both were clearly over the weight limit.. but lucky me, i was able to talk my way out of paying the additional 100 bucks they were going to charge me...heehee.

while i was sitting at SYR waiting to board my flight, i overheard a funny convo between 2 ladies in their 30's standing few feet from me:

lady 1: i love your blouse!
lady 2: oh thank you
lady 1: so when are you due?
lady 2: excuse me?
lady 1: how many months into your pregnancy are you?
lady 2: umm.... i'm *not* pregnant... beeotch!
lady 1: ... oh i'm sorry

bahahaha... i tried so hard not to laugh... i just walked away. okay, she didn't really call her a beeotch but she should have!

okay peeps -- gotta go catch my flight now! woohoo!


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