Sunday, April 30, 2006

American Dreamz, and my dumb AIM

once again, all my buddies on my aim list managed to disappear AGAIN!! ahh!!! it's like the 3rd or 4th time this has happened in the last few months....sigh... I'm not really sure why it keeps happening. my only guess is that either i'm using an older version of aim (which i like) or i just dont know what i'm doing. either way, i'm screwed because i have to remember everyone's screen name and manually input it one by one again...argh. anyway, if you are reading this, drop me a message on AIM so that i can add you back onto my list!

today was another relaxing day... rolled out of bed, had lunch at Plum Tree with Della, than went shopping together at the pyramid mall. i decided to skip my sailing class today because i just didn't feel like dragging myself to the lake and hoping onto a sailboat and possibly get sea sick again. instead, i came home and spent few hours cranking out my ppt presentation for my international finance class.

at night, i went to see "American Dreamz" with Della, Gorton, and Bea. the movie was pretty entertaining but i think i would have enjoyed it more if i was an american idols... i have never seen american idols before.

here's my empty aim list :/

anyways, gonna go to bed now... i have to wake up early to have brunch with the crew! g'nite people!


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