Tuesday, May 02, 2006

hectic day

Today was one hectic day...but a good day nevertheless. Our group gave a presentation for International Finance class. Our topic was investment opportunities and risks in Malaysia. My portion was pitching a Malaysian equity investment to the class. I liked this presentation because I felt like I learned alot about the Malaysian market (which might come in handy when I'm in Asia). Did you know Malaysia's Export is roughly 120% of its GDP? I know, at firsthand, that doesn't make any sense. How can Export > GDP, right? Anyway, I'll spare you from the boredom of my explanation. But the point is that this class was actually pretty interesting. Yah, I know, I sound nerdy. I think we did pretty well in our presentation. I'm totally relieved that the presentation is done and this class is now officially over. Yay! And in the afternoon, I had to give another presentation in my Business Chinese class all in Chinese. That presentation went pretty well as well based on the comments and feedback we received from the professor and classmates.

That basically leaves me with one more presentation on Thursday and I'll be done! Okay, that's a lie. That day I'll have my Real Estate final exam. Than I have 2 more projects due next week, and a final in Derivatives the day before I leave for Bahamas. This week is a crazy week for me but anything after this week will be a breeze.

Alright, I better go back to studying for my real estate final! g'nite people! Selamat Tinggal !!


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