Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Birthday to me

Yesterday was a really long day. In the morning, I took my final exam for my real estate class which I stayed up really late studying for. The good thing was that the test was a lot easier than I had expected, so hopefully I did okay in the class overall. Than in the afternoon, I went to our school's happy hour to celebrate the end of the semester! It was pretty cool event and the food was not so shabby either...to top it off, they even had a chocolate fondue fountain! Later, I quickly rushed to the Cornell store with Della to pick up few Cornell paraphernalia like t-shirts and gym shorts before they closed.

Btw, this is the last week for all my classes! Which means I just have 2 more papers to write and a final exam next week and I'll be ALL FINISHED with my MBA! This semester has whizzed by in a blink of an eye.

Anyways, back to my day.....than at night, I met up with all of my friends for my birthday dinner at this new restaurant in town called Lokalani's. The dinner and the company was great. I am now officially 29 years old. It's strange to be almost 30 but feeling like I'm still in my mid 20's.

After dinner, we walked over to a school event where they showed bunch of student filmed videos recapping the entire year. After that, my friends organized a birthday party at their apartment. I was already so full before the party but I just ignored it and continued to stuff myself like a cow again. The food was delicious...For drinks, Doris and Bea made Arnold Palmer with Vodka! They always make fun of me when I order an Arnold Palmer at a restaurant in Ithaca...because most of the waitresses here have no clue what that is. So they decided to make that for me on my birthday...but with vodka...heehee. The party was fun and towards the end, we played a drinking game called ping-pong-pang and I started losing so I drank until I was slightly drunk. Overall, I had a great memorable 29th birthday! I can't believe this will be my last year in my 20's before I hit the big 3-0! Hope this will be an even better year for me.

Some pictures from last night:


Blogger Anna Banana said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!!

6:27 AM  
Blogger AkaRingo said...

happy birthday!!! sorry, i missed it...

5:16 PM  

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