Monday, April 24, 2006


g'morning world! happy monday to you all.

so a couple of rants. gasoline is over $3 again! it cost me over 60 bucks to fill my SUV. WTF's going on?! time for me to ditch the SUV and go with something more fuel efficient...that's if i still need a car after cornell. luckily for me, i won't be driving in HK so i don't have that to worry about.

most of my friends were out of town this weekend for apartment hunting in NYC. i was planning to go and hang out with them but i had to stay behind because of the admissions interviews i had to conduct. other than the interviews, i had a lot of time to myself which was awesome. one morning, i went jogging around the lake again which was nice and relaxing. i'm trying to do my outdoorsy stuff these days before i leave Ithaca since I probably won't be able to jog outside when i move to HK...unless I want to jog in the heavily polluted air and have my white workout t-shirt turn grey when i come home...ugh, no thanks. than majority of the day was spent lounging around at cafes, catching up with my magazines, and studying. i love spending my afternoons in a cafe with my favorite cup of cappucino and reading magazines! aww...the joy of being a student. i've really grown accustom to this carefree lifestyle of mine and i'll definitely look back in few months and miss it for sure. actually, i probably won't even have the time to look back since i'll be busy on the trading floor, constantly bombarded with endless phonecalls.

btw, starbucks has just finally opened its first store in Ithaca this weekend! i know we're so behind but the local small coffee shops are just as good =)

this week will be a busy one for me with a paper, test, and a homework assignment due. with all this work, i'm not even remotely sweating over it. weird huh? my usual self would get stressed and lock myself up in the library all weekend long studying for the test. but these don't seem to impact me anymore..in fact, i'm very nonchalent about it. i blame it on the possible case of senioritis...hahaha... anyway, gonna go do some research on my bahamas trip now! i'll catch ya'll later!


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