Thursday, March 02, 2006

When is spring?

I can't believe it's still snowing here even though it's March! I think we had about a foot deep of snow today. When is spring? Well it snowed so hard today that it made it unbearable but also kind of fun to walk to school today with the combination of wind and snow blowing against me. I could barely see 2 feet ahead of me! But after I got back home, I decided to grab my camera and head back out into the snow to take some pictures.

So let's see, what have I been up to lately? Nada.. Just been trying to stay on top of school work and getting myself up to speed with equity derivatives for my new job. You know, the more I learn about equity derivatives, the more interesting it gets (yah yah, i know ya'll are appalled by that comment)...but its true! hahaha

In other news, my youngest brother, Frank got his driver's license a week ago. I'm pretty happy for him because I know how excited I was when I first got my license. It's hard to believe he's 16 y/o already. Man, time flies! I still see him as this cute little 5 year old boy who use to love our weekly trips to McDonald's on the weekend to play in their McPlayground. He had this really cute haircut kind of like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. Awww, soo cute...and now, he's as tall as me, weighs more and built more, and he can eat like a MAN!

I've also been doing some research online on HK housing market. I can't quite decide if it's better to rent or just buy a place since I'll probably be there for at least few years. But I guess on a second thought, since I'm not familiar with the HK real estate market, maybe I should just rent first and decide later. This way, I'm not tied down to HK forever and I can just pack up and move back to LA whenever I feel like it :) So far, I've only come across very few rental apartments in HK that looks decent for the price. But most of the apartments there look kinda old, dingy, and fobby (ahhh!). I haven't really come across super modern apartments like the ones in Tokyo. It's strange because people in HK loves to copy anything Japanese, so why not copy their modern apartments??

I remember when I was apartment hunting in Tokyo, I specifically made a request that I only wanted to move into a brand new (and modern) apartment. It seems like there are so many more modern new apartments to choose from in Tokyo than HK. How come none of them comes with a hi-tech toilet like the one I had in Tokyo where the seat warms up? I mean, I definitely don't expect something like that in the US, but come on, it's HK we're talking about! Okay, I know ya'll are rolling your eyes right now and think that I'm spoiled, but I'm just asking :) But I'm determined to find myself a decent and modern apartment in HK..I definitely don't want to settle for a fobby place ^^

Okay people, today is Thursday which means the 4-day weekend has officially started for me again. Hope ya'll have a great weekend!


Blogger AkaRingo said...

back then when i was in cornell, it snowed on my birthday EVERY YEAR! and my birthday is LATE APRIL!

so, good luck!

9:47 PM  
Blogger haeran said...

just go to ryan's house. they got one of those new fancy japanes toilets!

7:01 PM  

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