Friday, December 16, 2005


So, I have finally booked my air ticket for my trip. I'll be going to Paris and Rome in January with a friend of mine from school! Woot! I really can't wait to go back to Europe since its been a little over 6 years since I was last there. We plan to be in Paris for 1 week and Rome for another week. I can't wait to go to the Louvre since it was shut down the last time I was there due to a massive strike. Hopefully, there won't be any public strike this time...altho you never know since those frenchies do love public altercations.

I've also finally decided on what I want to do with myself post-mba. After spending many sleepless hours thinking and mulling over what I should do, I've finally decided. I've decided to accept the position with the German investment bank doing Equity Derivatives in Hong Kong. I'm quite excited about the position and my decision. This job will definitely put me outside of my "comfort zone" so to speak since it'll be a brand new field. But I'm totally anxious to learn new things and widen my knowledge horizon =D

In other news, I went to visit my grandmother at Rose Hills yesterday. It's really hard to believe that its been almost 6 years since she past away. Every time I drive up to Rose Hills, it brings me back to the day of her funeral which makes me really sad. That was probably the saddest day in my life. She was definitely one of the closet person in my life growing up and it really took me a long time to be finally okay with losing her. I still remember how she use to tell me all kinds of stories about herself and about our family. As she got older, she started repeating herself over and over again, but I didn't mind it one bit. Sometimes I wish that she was here to tell me those stories again. Right after she passed away, I use to have a lot of dreams about her and I remember waking up in the middle of the night thinking that her passing away was just one bad nightmare. Wherever she is, I hope to meet her again one day.


Blogger AkaRingo said...

i envy you...

11:29 PM  
Blogger Anna Banana said...

Great to hear that you made the decision!!! がんばってねぇ♪

8:55 PM  

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