Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Back in LA

So I've been back in LA since Saturday and I haven't done anything but just hung around the house and did some Christmas shopping. Yesterday, I went to South Coast Plaza in OC and picked up few things for myself, and also managed to help my brother buy most of the gifts that he wanted to get for his friends for Christmas.

With my parents away in Taiwan and Japan for nearly a month, I have now inherited the responsibility of waking up every morning at 7:15am to drive him to school! Not only that, I also need to pick him up from school in the afternoon. I feel like a professional car service sometime.....and for a high school kid! Well, anything for my lil brother I guess. I remember when I was younger, my parents would use to make me and my 2nd brother either walk or ride our bikes to school. We didn't have any choice...well, unless we decide not to go to school. My parents would only drive us to school only on rainy days. So looking at my brother now, he has it really good!

Today, I decided on a whim to drive to Santa Monica to do some xmas shopping and enjoy the great weather outside. It's always nice to walk around Santa Monica when its all sunny. The weather was pretty good although it got chilly towards the end. But chilly weather in LA today was like in the low 60's..which is nothing comparing to the obliterating cold winter temperatures back in Ithaca so I shouldn't be complaining at all. I realized how much I like going there. There's just something about the city and the beach itself that keeps drawing me back. I always pay a visit whenever I'm back in LA. On the way back, I realized how much I enjoy going there so I made a promise to myself that one day I'll buy a waterfront house there. Not sure when that will be, but it'll be one of my many goals in life. I hope it won't be like one of those unattainable goals like "lose weight" that's on my goal list year after year.

I also spent some time in the Apple store playing around with their latest laptop and video ipods. I took some pictures using iphoto (see below). I love the cool applications that comes in a MAC. Why doesn't ours come with cool applications like MACs?

On the way back from Santa Monica, I was stuck in a horrendous LA traffic on the 10 and 405 (and it was only 4:30PM!). In a bizarre kind of way, I kind of miss sitting in these horrible LA traffic while blasting my music and singing as loud as I can in my car :D

In other news, ever since I came back to LA, I've been eating out every single meal. Let's see, I had Vietnamese food twice, Hawaiian twice, Japanese shabu shabu, and Chinese. Since I was so tired of eating out tonight, I decided to cook some chinese style beef stew for my brother and myself for dinner. I think it came out okay. But from the way my brother kept putting hot sauce into his soup for flavoring, I guess it tasted slightly light. But when I was cooking, I was amazed at how empty our refridgerator was. Luckily, we went grocery shopping the night befoe. Sometimes I wonder what my parents and my brother eat when I'm gone?!

I've been feeling chunky these days, so I went to the gym last night and tonight. Felt really good afterwards. I really need to get into the swing of things and start working out regularly like how I use to.

On a random note, I've been so addicted to trashy tv shows lately -- mainly Fabulous Life of XXX on VH1. For some odd reason, I find that show to be quite entertaining.

Tomorrow I plan to do some more xmas shopping in OC (maybe Newport?) and plan to visit my grandmother at Rose Hills in the afternoon.

Time for bed...need to wake up early to drive my brother to school.

Good nite folks!


Blogger bookbug said...

hi jack!
don't make me jelous on you..vietnamies and hawaiian food?!
in these days, i have to give up to eat out, because Hal started to sleep really early..it's around 6-8 pm!
that's why sometimes i'm hungry when i don't have energy to cook for myself like..NOW!!
btw, i found your picture on jenny's brother's blog!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

hey yuko! wow, you need to feed yourself! Or you can always call for food delivery since I use to do that a lot when I was in Tokyo :)

ooh, I had dinner with Fudy (Jenny's Brother) last week in Ithaca.

10:55 AM  
Blogger bookbug said...

i see..but the choices aren't so much:p
pizza, chinese, or curry, right?
let me know your recomendation..

11:09 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

yeah, its usually those food only that delivers. but again, I'm easily satisfiable :)

11:21 AM  

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