Monday, April 25, 2005

3 weeks and counting

The weather was ridiculous this weekend. It started out with sunshine early Saturday morning, but gradually got worse and worse as the weekend progressed -- with heavy rain and thunderstorm late saturday evening. There was even a chance of snow today according to weather.com!?!?! I know, pretty ridiculous right? It's days like this that I miss sunny California.

Nevertheless, this was one of those typcal weekend in Ithaca. So I finally got to see the movie "The Amittyville Horror" movie this weekend. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be but I did enjoy the movie. The next movie I want to see is "The Interpreter".

Check out my friends, Yuko and Kinyoshi's blog. [Note Kinyoshi's blog is in Japanese]

Some interesting sites I've found:
  • Craiglist meets Google map
  • Yagoohoogle (Try searching for something)
  • Sidestep Travel Site (pretty impressive travel site)
  • Creates your own Anime Movie

    Blogger haeran said...

    hi jack, link #1 and #2 both point to the same site.

    12:47 AM  
    Blogger Jack said...

    hi haeran, thanks for pointing that out. but both links are meant to be pointed to the same site (yahoo movie's main site).

    2:33 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Jack,
    I just saw the movie tonight...it was so scary!! It is the second scary movie in my ranking (the first one is "The Ring" (Japanese one)).

    Seeing movies on weekends is a popular activity in Sydney as well...

    7:13 AM  

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