Thursday, December 01, 2005

Self reflection

Looking back...
10 years ago: I graduated from Cerritos High School, class of 1995, and just moved up to Northern California to start my college years at UC Berkeley. I started out as an Architecture major thinking that I'll be an Architecht one day... The irony is that, I'm not doing anything that's even remotely close to architecture or even real estate for that matter. College years were awesome -- although it went by in a blink of an eye.
9 years ago: Got my first job during my Sophmore year working for a subsidiary of Fujitsu doing software translation.
6 years ago: Graduated from Berkeley and decided to join Deloitte. Turned out to be a really good experience, both personally and professionally. I made tons of really good friends, some of them I still keep in touch with. The job also allowed me to travel and see many parts of the US. Some of my memorable business trips were: Seattle, Dallas, Cincinnati, and Albequerque (New Mexico).
3.5 years ago: Not fully knowing what's going on, I accepted a job with KPMG Japan and decided to move myself half way across the world and made Tokyo my new home for the next 2 years. Shortly after working at KPMG, I broke the "employment for life" Japanese tradition, and end up leaving KPMG for GS after only 7 months. But honestly, GS was probably one of the best companies that I've ever worked for -- although I worked ga-trillion hours! In all seriousness, moving to Japan has definitely been a great experience. I made tons of really really good friends and had such a great time there. I even became a god-father along the way :) Although I had a blast, I still remember how difficult it was for me to adjust to the different lifestyle there in the beginning. Having lived in Tokyo when I was younger is one thing, but moving to Tokyo to live and work after so many years of getting used to the US lifestyle is a completely different story. I think the experience has made me appreciate everything in my life more and stronger as a person it feels like.
1.5 years ago: After spending two years in Tokyo, I decided to move to *gasp* Ithaca, NY (of all places). Of course, moving to NY was not an easy decision to make -- leaving behind a good job and good friends to pursue my MBA at Cornell. But I'm glad that I made the choice to come here because I've made a lot of great friends at school. I've had a lot of fun and really felt like I've grown up a lot in the last 1.5 years. Sadly, I'm about 75% finished with my program. I know all things good will eventually come to an end...but hopefully (I know we will) we'll all keep in touch after b-school.
8 months ago: Spring break -- trip to Jamaica with my b-school buddies!
4 months ago: Spent the summer in Hong Kong doing Equity Reearch. Got to travel to Shanghai which was pretty cool. Also met a lot of great people and made couple of new friends along the way. Realized that research isn't what I want to do. thank gawd this was just an internship.


Blogger Anna Banana said...

Pretty good resume.

9:49 PM  

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