Saturday, November 19, 2005


Tonight, I saw "Shop Girl"... the movie with Claire Danes and Steve Martin. Despite the poor reviews for the movie, my friends and I all suprisingly liked it A LOT. I never believed in those hollywood movie ratings anways because all of the movies that they give good ratings usually turns out to be a dud...at least to me. I guess I was also in a mood for a dramedy which helped as well. In usual circumstances, I tend to fall asleep in the theatre if the movie is slow. But since this movie was shot in LA, it made me miss home and gave me a nostalgic feeling when watching the different LA scenes. I know its dumb but I always get all nostalgic and semi-home sick whenever I watch a movie that's filmed in LA. Gosh, by the time I finish with my MBA, it would be 4 years since I've lived away from LA. And it doesn't seem like that would be the end since I'm considering going back to Asia to work full time after getting my MBA ...at least for few more years.


Blogger AkaRingo said...

i heard it's a great/funny movie!

5:43 AM  
Blogger bookbug said...

i didn't know someone feels nostalgy from the movie..
it must be great and relaxed to live in LA:)

11:15 AM  

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