Saturday, November 26, 2005

Day after Thanksgiving

Today was officially the start of the Christmas shopping season so what better way to spend the day then to go shopping! So I end up xmas shopping at the nearby outlet mall most of the day....picked up few things on my list. Man, the drive was so beautiful with white powdery snow all along the road. Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday and I love hearing Xmas songs being played in the stores! It's really starting to feel like Christmas! This year, I promised myself that I would finish all of my xmas shopping early so I can kick back and relax. Of course, every year, on the night of the 24th, I end up frantically running around the mall trying to finish up my xmas shopping. This year will be different. I will finish early and just enjoy the holiday.

Then at night, I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Della. The movie was pretty good and managed to keep me awake the entire 2.5 hours. Even though I didn't see HP #2 or #3, surprisingly I was able to keep up with the storyline. Overall, I liked the movie but I still liked HP#1 better.


Blogger Anna Banana said...

Harry Potter movie was good! I liked it. It's good to see the kids are growing up. Ron is going to be very handsome by 7th episode, I think.

6:07 AM  

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