Sunday, November 13, 2005

Trip down memory lane

I had a great time in San Francisco this past week/weekend. Overall, I think my interviews went pretty well (fingers crossed) and hopefully I'll hear back from them soon. On Thursday night, I got a call from Koji in Japan. I haven't talked to in awhile and it was definitely nice to catch up with him.

On Friday night, I met up with Kinyoshi and had Mexican dinner at Mario's in Berkeley. Kinyoshi is one of my "globe trotting" friend who I meet up in random places around the world. The last time I saw him was in Hong Kong few months ago. It was really nice catching up and hearing what he's been up to lately. I can totally understand what he's going through in terms of taking a standaridized test. Those tests are never fun and hopefully it'll be over for him soon.

After dinner, we walked around Telegraph Ave. and around the campus. Somehow, it felt good and nostalgic but at the same time slightly weird to be back in Berkeley. It's such an interesting feeling to be back in the city where I spent 4 years of my late teens and 20's there (god, listen to me.. i sound like an old man!). Walking around the campus really brought back lots of memory from my college days. The campus and the city of Berkeley looked pretty much the same except there were many new stores on Telegraph and the newly built gym on campus.

Then on Saturday, I had Dim Sum with Paigie and my aunt in Fremont. After Dim Sum, Paigie and I went to Great Mall and spent the rest of the afternoon shopping. It was a good shopping trip and I bought couple of shirts and shoes for myself. It's always nice to shop with her since we both like to shop and she's always great at finding the best deal (better than me!). Then, afterwards, we had dinner at this pretty fancy restaurant called Bridges in Danville. The food and the ambience was pretty good. Afterwards, we drove to Berkeley and walked around some more before she dropped me off at SFO airport. Luckily, I made it onto my flight on time.

Overall, I had a blast being back in San Francisco/Bay Area. As always, I ate waaaaay too much this weekend. I need to go detox now.


Blogger AkaRingo said...

jack, i am so glad to hear that you are back on track now!

10:21 PM  

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