Tuesday, August 02, 2005

6 weeks down, 4 more to go.

i can't believe i'm more than half way finished with my summer internship. it seems like i just started only couple of weeks ago. time seem to fly by week after week. although i'm glad that its slowly ending, i get this big knot in my stomach thinking about it because this all means that i have to finish up on my two final internship presentation projects in which i have to present in front of all the heads of various departments. bleh. but i guess it shouldn't be too bad since its only about 20 minutes per presentation. i hope i don't get too nervous and start talking all fast like a maniac.

last friday, i went with my coworkers (calvin, janice, derrick, and ken) to a brazillian bbq. the food was not bad and we had fun talking and catching up. did i mention it was all you can eat and drink? man, i was mad drunk. afterwards, some of us went to hei hei to hang out. calvin and i stopped over at hh for some drink..but didn't stay there too late since we were waking up early the next morning to go to sz for some dvd shopping.

saturday was pouring like crazy...it was probably from some of the leftover rainstorm from either the typhoon that was in asia or the monsoon in india. the rain didn't really bother us since we just shopped for dvds, had sushi brunch, and got a foot massage and came home. man, i was so tired that day..so i came home watched more DHW and took a nap. i'm almost done with the first season of DHW.

last night calvin and i went to see "The Island' (starring Ewan Mcgregor and Scarlett Johansson). i really liked the movie because of the great story line and the awesome special effect. its been awhile since i last saw a movie that made me go "wow" afterwards. i highly recommend this movie - didn't feel like 136 minutes at all.

so i had a long discussion with a friend this weekend on the phone about working in hk versus working in tokyo or ny. i've been constantly thinking about this day-in and day-out to the point of obsession sometimes..for real. s ome days, i absolutely love this place and i can totally picture myself living and working here after mba..but other days, i just absolutely don't think i can.

generally, the reasons why i don't think i can live here is: 1) its WAAAY too crowded here..everywhere i go there's people..tons of them. you think tokyo was crowded, try hk. (2) noise pollution - very noisy everywhere.. whether its the noise of cars/trucks honking in the street, people yelling (probably just talking), or just random noises everywhere. i honestly cannot hear my cellphone ring whenever i'm outside and that bugs me (3) small city and feel confined. there's just limited things you can do in a small crowded city. seems like other than shopping, eating, drinking, there's not much to life here. maybe i need to venture out and do more stuff? (4) bad weather...this one also applies to tokyo as well but its more extreme here. i guess the extreme weather makes it a less than an ideal place to live.

on the flip side, there are tons of reasons why i think hk is a good place to live/work: (1) work wise - access and experience working with the chinese market, one that i would never get if i work in tokyo, and its something that i've always wanted. (2) delicious and cheap food (although this also applies to tokyo); (3) easy/cheap to travel to neighboring south east asian cities - bangkok, KL, bali, ho chih min, etc for quick vacay; (4) lower income tax (a big factor for me); (5) cheap massages; and (6) more westernized feeling..like being able to watch american tv shows on tv or watch new american movies in the theatre and not having to wait few months to be released..not to mention access to all the latest shows on dvd at a subpar price = )

anyhoo, there are (+) and (-) about all three cities...i guess it depends on what my priorities are and what i value the most in life. but i'm also not ruling out moving back to CA either. hmm.. all this thinking is giving me a headache so i'll stop and think about it some more later.

funny because when you're younger, you think the world is such a huge place..tons of cities where you can live...but as you get older, your choices starts to narrow down and you realize that the world isn't that big.there's really only couple of cities in the world that i can live in. so in that respect, its not quite as big as i had thought.


Blogger Anna Banana said...

I see your dilemma. But it's such a nice dilemma to have. Don't worry you will know where to go when time comes.
You know what, you can go anywhere you want.

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jack,

I really enjoy reading your blogs. They are interesting and your insight has really matured over the years:)

I agree with your assessment about HK being a totally more "westernized" city than probably most other Asian cities....but I hope you move back to CA:)

2:31 AM  

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