Tuesday, August 23, 2005

last week in hk

well, this is my 10th week in hong kong, which all means one thing -- my LAST week here. hooray! it gives me somewhat of an unsettling feeling to know that at the end of this week, i'm heading back to ny. don't get me wrong, i'm excited to go back (mostly to see my friends) but i'm also looking forward to having my simple life back..being a simpleton doesn't sound so bad at this point. looking back in this past 10 weeks, i have met a lot of new people..some people i'll definitely keep in touch with, and others, i'll probably never see again.

anyway, last week, i saw "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with some of my colleagues. i really liked the movie! it was awesome..i really liked how the story revolved around chocolates =D johnny depp did a pretty good job in that movie as well. my favorite line from the movie:

"Everything is edible in here -- Even me! But that would be called cannibalism, which is heavily frowned upon by many societies" Hahaha.. that line cracked me up! There were other lines from the movie which i thought was hillarious too. overall, the movie was great fun....wouldn't it be an ultimate dream come true to inherit a chocolate factory? definitely for me anyways..would be even better if its a ferrero rocher chocolate factory =D

anyway, i shop and get massages every weekend, so this past weekend was no different. i did that on saturday and tried to catch up on my shopping.. man, i'm severely behind on shopping, no joke. then on saturday night, i had dinner with friends and alums from cornell. afterwards, we had drinks at the grand hyatt. it was pretty cool. then came home and started packing..didn't realize how much stuff i've accumulated over the past 10 weeks -- i hope i dont get fined few hundred dollars for having overweight luggages. ohh, on friday, i had dinner with my colleagues in soho at this mexican restaurant -- it was muy bueno! the food was pretty authentic (or as authentic as you can get in hk) and the drinks were good.

one of the items i bought this weekend is this brain teaser book called "Sudoku".. have you guys heard of it? its basically like a mathematical version of the crossword puzzle. i started looking at it yesterday and it's quite challenging..there's about 80 different puzzles in this book so i'm looking forward to doing it all on my plane ride back to ny =D

since its my last week here, i'm going to be quite busy this week with lunches and dinner with people one last time. last night i had dinner with josh in causeway bay at this malaysian restaurant..the food was pretty good but i think we slightly went overboard with ordering. anyway, back to packing! see you soon...


Blogger AkaRingo said...

which kid are you in the chocolate factory? have you thought about it?!

"the best price is surprise"- wonka.

hey, you are going back to ithaca already, and you still have not visited taipei!!! i am so mad at you!!!

10:00 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

i like that line too!!

oooh, i'm sorry that i didn't get to visit you in taipei!!! i promise i will come visit you soon! if not, come over to Ithaca and visit me instead!

12:18 PM  
Blogger AkaRingo said...

: (
you are throwing the ball at me now....

10:57 PM  
Blogger Anna Banana said...

Hey Jack, are you alive or not?

8:23 PM  

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