Thursday, November 10, 2005

I heart San Francisco

After 8 hours in the air, I finally arrived in San Francisco! It's so nice to be back in the Bay Area! Coming back to the city definitely brings back a lot of good college memories.

Later that afternoon, I had lunch with Paigie at a Mexican restaurant nearby her office before I took off and wandered around the city. I mainly strolled around and shopped in Union Square area. There seems to be a lot more stores in the city then back in the college days. Later that night, I had dinner with my aunt and uncle in Fremont. It's hard to believe that the last time I saw them was back in Japan 2 years ago, when they came out to Tokyo for vacation. Damn, time really flies! They're my closest uncle and aunt and it really doesn't feel like its been 2 years especially since I talk to them on the phone on a regular basis. Nevertheless, it was good to seem them again and we had nice Chinese dinner :)

This morning, I checked into the Hyatt Hotel, right across from the company where I will be interviewing tomorrow morning. Since I have the whole day to myself, I went out and shopped some more in Union Square area. For lunch, I went to Cheesecake Factory on top of the Macy's in Union Square. I forgot how much I loved CF!!! The waiter was really nice and the food was excellent. So it was a great lunch. CF is always so packed with people. As I was eating my 'Crispy Beef', I was thinking to myself that if I ever open a restaurant, I definitely want to open one like CF. Great interior, ambience, service, atmosphere, and food, which all translates to huge customer turnout = $$$. Sometimes, I wish that I studied restaurant management or have some experience in that field since it does seem pretty interesting and fun (and possibly lucrative).

After lunch, I walked around the city some more and came back to the hotel few hours later since I was feeling a bit tired. This afternoon, I had another phone interview with another i-bank which I think went pretty well. I'll find out in couple of days. Oh, speaking of interviews, apparently one of the german i-bank who I interviewed with few weeks ago, now wants to fly me out to Singapore the week of Thanksgiving for their final round!! I'm considering it because it would be a free trip to Asia, and maybe I can stop over in Tokyo or Hong Kong for few days before I return back to NY. But its awfully short notice for such a long way though. The downside is that, the flight from NY to Singapore would be SO FAR. I'm guessing its at least 14 hours. Bleh. I'll keep you posted on my decision. Hopefully, if I decide to go, I can stop over in Tokyo and meet up with some of my friends there :)

Okay, I'm off to dinner now. Will write more later.


Blogger bookbug said...

Jack, I'm so happy to find you updated your life again!
Everyone worried about you so much in Tokyo!

11:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's so good to see you posting again, Jack. They always cheer me up.

Don't forget that you have friends in TAIPEI, too! Jenny, help me out!

11:32 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

thanks yuko and michella! :) it's good hearing from you guys!

4:59 PM  
Blogger Anna Banana said...


2:45 AM  

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