Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Goals for the New Year

I can hardly believe that another year has gone by and its now 2006. I feel like this past year has gone by in a blink of an eye. Although 2005 went by at a lightning speed, it was definitely one of the most memorable and eye-opening year for me. I feel that I went through a lot of ups and downs in the last 12 months. But through these extreme ups and downs, I learned a great deal about myself which I think is important and gave me a chance to really "grow up". It also gave me a chance to re-evaulate the imporant things in my life and really think about what I want to accomplish. Up until now, I feel like I've been merely going with the flow but now that's slowly coming to a halt, I've got to start making my own decision and try to steer my life in the direction that I want to eventually end up. Does that make any sense?!

Let's see, some of the big events that happened to me in 2005:
- finished up my 1st year of MBA
- travelled to 1 new country -- Jamaica (2005 resolution)
- worked in HK and Shanghai for 3 months during summer
- became a god-father
- sent to the emergency room 2 times in a span of a month :(
- made new friends in LA
- travelled to both Vegas and SF twice
- accepted a full time offer to move to HK post-MBA

Of course, just like every year, I have many resolutions for the coming year. Some of my new year's resolutions for 2006 are:
- exercise more and eat healthier
- focus more on relationships/family/friends
- kick ass in my new job
- travel to at least one new country
- be more spiritual; (maybe) learn more about Christianity and start going to church
- learn more about photography
- get my braces off
- work/life balance
- save $ to buy a house
- be happy


Blogger Anna Banana said...

buy me a house too :P

2:01 AM  
Blogger AkaRingo said...

nice "reachable" goals! keep it up!

9:38 PM  

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