Tuesday, July 12, 2005

yet another humdinger day

yesterday was yet another humdinger day. work has been quite slow but i reckon that things will slowly pick up starting middle of this week..otherwise, i think i'll start to be bored out of my mind. last night, i left work around my usual time of 8pm, and went to the UBS invite-only intern reception. what it is is that its basically a banking recruiting event where they would invite selective interns from other banks to come and meet their business folks. apparently these receptions are only done in asia, and all of the banks distribute their intern's resume to each other. so that way, the banks will have a chance to recruit the ones they want for fulltime. so its more of a collaborative process where if the intern doesn't end up getting an offer from his/her summer employer, the hope is that they have met enough of other banks for networking and possibly interviews which may ultimately lead to an offer in hand. every bank have their invite-only receptions through out this month..tonight is lehman's having one.. which i was invited and plan to go. it's at the mandarin oriental hotel across the street so its relatively close. i suppose it never hurts to meet more people from other firms to get different perspectives about the business..although its always tiresome to be all happy and perky during recruiting events esp. after a long day at work. but I did enjoy the UBS reception last night though. people were ultra friendly (and very professional) and they had a really NICE office.

i think the hardest part for me now is to decide which business division i want to pursue after my mba. i feel lucky in a sense that I have all these choices to chose from. i remember it was over an year ago, before I got into Cornell, that I felt trapped with what I was doing at work. but now, it seems like the opposite - lots of freedom and mobility to pursue the field of my choice. i guess that's the sheer miracle of plunking down $100K and getting an mba.

last night was a bad night. after i got back to the hotel, i was hoping to get on the internet to check email and do my usual internet stuff. but the wireless connection (and quite possibly, the network backbone) at the hotel was completely down. so i rush down to the front desk to make a complaint. this is rather frustrating because probably 3 out of 5 times that I want to use the internet from my hotel room, it DOES NOT work. if i'm lucky, it lets me connect and download my email and then i get cutoff. i mean its one thing if the internet usage is free, but if i'm paying close to $100 a month to use the internet, i expect it to work when i'm home. I don't think i'm asking too much, am i? anyway, the front desk guy tried to convince me that it was a problem with my laptop and not their network. of course i had to step up and say something since i may not know much about anything, but networks - i do. and it was definitely not my laptop problem. anyway, the night ended with me internet-less (boo), and the front desk later calling me to profusely apologize to tell me how he was wrong and how it was indeed their network problem and not my laptop (i don't want to say i told you so, but i told you so). anyhow, no more complaining about this topic from me. i'm just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping the internet is back again when i get home tonight. hallelujah.


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